OutreachNC asked adults and children our June question. Share your answer on our Facebook page.
You can fix anything with the right tool. —Pete, 63
Today might be your last day on earth. Make sure you’re ready. —Stephanie, 51
Recognize when an opportunity presents itself. Seize it, even if it needs some tweaking. Equally, when you are in a bad situation, don’t be afraid to speak up or walk away. —Kim, 60
Be a hard worker. —Jamie, 50
Work. —Brad, 53
Love your enemies first and then your neighbors. —Lane, 84
Have faith in God. —David, 60
Never give up. The battle is the Lord’s. —Sissy, 68
Not to kiss all the boys at school. —Odette, 89
Make sure my socks always match. —Gertie, 94
Always eat the cake and ice cream first. —Margaret, 101
Earn your money honestly. Whether you are the president or the janitor, do the very best job you can do. —Dwight, 59
Turn off the light when you leave a room to save electricity. —Carley, 56
When God closes a door, He opens a window. —Sue, 73
You’ll miss being a kid when you’re a grown up. —Toby, 8
Try and you can succeed at anything! —Shania, 12
Don’t try to be someone you aren’t. Be your happy little self. —Ivy, 9
Never quit. —Isla, 6
Try new things. —Eamon, 9
You have all your life to be a grown up. —Luke, 7
If you’re on time, you’re late. —Bailey, 12
If you are going to do something, do it right the first time. —Alex, 12
Take pride in what you build. —Andrew, 13
How to work and not be a bum. —Cooper, 11
To work hard and always give 110 percent. —Hailee, 12
Never trust a toot. —Sydney, 8
Don’t bite the hand that feeds you. —OutreachNC Co-editor Jeeves, 3