January 14

Generations January 2016 Question of the Month


What will you do to make 2016 your best year yet?

2016 is my year to become more physically active to combat health issues and a stiff body. It makes me feel so much better when I take good care of myself!  —Ellen, 57

We would love to travel more this year. —Jim, 80, and Peggy, 81

I want to appreciate each season, and try to make the best of it, rather than wishing to hurry through the cold, heat or the rain. I’ve realized each season has its own charm, even if it can sometimes seem unpleasant. —David, 63

My daughter, whom I haven’t seen much in the past few years, and I are taking a vacation together. —Gail, 58

I plan to worry less and live more, taking more time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. —Jennifer, 54

Spending less time doing what I think I have to do and more time doing what I want to do. —Pat, 67

Do more volunteer work and give back more. —Shirley, 76

I plan to spend more time with loved ones. —Mark, 56

I want to be better about prioritizing the things that really matter, relationships with family and friends and better manage work stress. —Kathy, 53

I will lean on the Lord more. Worry less and relax more. Spend more quality time with my family. —Sherri, 52

My faith is very important to me. Therefore, my goal is to better live my faith. That means doing more for others and making life less about me. We are called to serve, and I want to do more of that.  —Rosemary, 62

Best to me means giving my best. If I can be consistent in how I accept and approach what life sends my way-and have the self-respect to always give and be my best-2016 can be my best year. —Judson, 69

Nothing because 2015 was the best year ever! —Levi, 6

Going to Gigi’s house and the beach. —Harper, 3

To make 2016 the best year yet, I am going to listen in school and get good grades.  —Maggie, 10

Make everybody happy.  —Clara, 8

Have a great year. —Drew, 10

To be nice. —Coke, 8

Go to the beach. —Nolan, 5

I’m going to work my hardest and do everything in God’s glory. —Chloe, 11

Finish all of the books on my bookshelf and go to  sleep-away camp for the first time. —Judy, 8

I am going to be reading, writing and making friendship bracelets. —Evelyn, 5

I will have fun, spend time with family and friends, help people that need things, and love God!  —Amelia, 10

Have fun, don’t get bullied and give to the homeless.  —Gabe, 12

Pray to God. —Isabella, 8

Be myself. —Alex, 8

Live my life. —David, 11

I’m going to Disney World! —Olivia, 8

Look both ways before crossing the street. —OutreachNC Co-editor Jeeves, 2

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