January 29

Generations-What’s the Key to Your Heart?


OutreachNC asked adults and children our February question. Share your answer on our Facebook page.

Connection. Those lingering, hours-long conversations, when the rest of the world stands still and you’re completely in that moment. – Amy, 44

Netflix, chocolate and my dog. – Maggie, 14

Trust. – Sara, 54

Baseball and soccer. Baseball a little more right now. – Jason, 10

My late husband. – Glenda, 60

Hugs from all the people I love. – Louisa, 4

Conversation. Meaningful conversations. It’s a huge part of all my relationships and something I want from those closest to me. – Ruth, 65

Sports, of course. – Timmy, 10

The key to my heart is good-natured teasing. I feel loved when I’m teased. – Stephanie, 52

Physical touch. – Adam, 67

My goldfish. I think he knows what I’m thinking. Sometimes, he just floats and looks at me, and that makes me feel like he’s listening. – Sam, 9

My kiddo’s laughter. – Jennifer, 42

The key to my heart is kindness. – Ashley, 71

Music. – Kate, 8

I’d have to say it would be a good person. – Chuck, 56

After thinking about it, I would have to say the way to my heart is with flowers. That’s the most socially acceptable answer. – Andrea, 50

Feeling calm with someone. It’s more than just being comfortable or secure with someone. It’s peacefulness, really. – Charles, 62

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