OutreachNC asked adults and children our January question. Share your answer on our Facebook page.
What is one goal you hope to accomplish this year?
Working on my Girl Scouts Bronze Award.
– Kathryn, 10
Happiness and fulfillment in a new job. – Ellen, 57
To learn how to not spill anything. – Louisa, 3
I am 71 years old, and I hope to make it to 72! – Jim, 71
To reach Tier 81 in the Battle Pass in Fortnite.
– Bobby, 11
To be known as someone who listens to works hard, and cares as a year-one assistant principal. – Leanne, 37
To improve at the piano and do well on the next exam.
– Julien, 10
To find balance. – Barbara, 57
To score a point in a basketball game this year.
– Timmy, 9
To have my first public sculpture installation.
– Mara, 51
To be able to do a flip on the trampoline. – Kate, 7
I hope to stay healthy and active, spend time with family and friends, and enjoy every minute I spend with my two-year-old grandson. – Cindy, 70
I want to get my middle splits in ballet. – Maggie, 13
To settle back into a more authentic lifestyle after a chaotic move. – Amy, 50
To keep up my grades all year. – Lily, 12
To become more involved in my new community and connect with my new land. – Laura, 57
To get better at spelling. – Madison, 6
I hope to accomplish the completion of transitioning my kids’ old bedrooms into the useable office and creative spaces now that we are a few years into being “empty nesters.” – Michelle, 46
I want to beat Mario and do good in school. – Chase, 3
Run another 4-6 half marathons so I’ll be in shape to run another full marathon after I turn 80 in four years. – Rod, 76
My goal is to get 100 percent on math facts: multiplication and division. – Violet, 9