OutreachNC asked adults and children our October question. Share your answer on our Facebook page.
Ru Paul’s Drag Race – that would be my sign that I had made it in life. – Meredith, 17
NCIS. – Terry, 74
Mental Samuri. – Courtney, 23
The Price is Right, but only when Bob Barker was host! – Ethel, 80
Little House on the Prairie. That was back when television had something of value to say, some good lessons to learn. – Louisa, 72
Wheel of Fortune. – Deb, 62
Curious George. He has so much fun, even if he gets in trouble. – Sam, 4
The Carol Burnette Show. I always love how they’d try to crack each other up, and were often successful! – Sarah, 28
Pokemon. – Cameron, 7
Alaska: The Last Frontier. I’d figure out how to live off the land. I’d use a snowmobile and hunt for my own food. I’d be a wilderness man. – Timmy, 10
Ellen. – Dustin, 26
American Idol. – Sarah Gray, 7
Friday Night Lights. I’m watching it all over again now, the whole series, on Amazon. I’d love to go back to Texas, to Friday night football, just for a night, even if it was TV. – Amy, 43
Dora the Explorer. – Abby, 7
Andy Griffith. I see it on reruns now. I’d fit it on that show. I’m not sure about the modern shows anymore. – Jim, 93
Grey’s Anatomy, back when McDreamy was on. I could easily have been a patient on an episode under his care. – Jan, 54
Planet Earth. I like learning about snakes. – Gavin, 12
The Good Wife. That show could use a dose of ‘real’ law, but it would also be nice to dress up in fancy clothes and sit in a courtroom with wood paneling. – Stephanie, 57
Boss Baby. – Joshua, 7
Downton Abbey. Just to go to England would be worth it. – Susan, 74