Be Proactive to Reduce Falls
by Amy Natt, MS, CMC, CSA
Q: I have had two recent falls related to my Parkinson’s disease. Each time, I have been trying to turn a corner, and my foot seems to get caught on the carpet. I live alone and have always been very independent. What can I do to help with this problem?
A: It sounds like your mind is moving faster than your legs. You have already mentally turned the corner and your foot is trying to keep up. Gait is one of the most affected motor characteristics of Parkinson’s disease (PD). While it affects each person differently, falls are a common challenge to address.
The Parkinsonian gait is characterized by small shuffling steps and general slowness. For those living with PD, reduced stride length and walking speed are common, as well as difficulty starting, and difficulty stopping after starting. Poor balance and unstable posture can also lead to increased falls. It is important to always report these to your physician.
There are several things you can do to be proactive around the house in an attempt to reduce falls and the subsequent impact, including:
- Before you start a movement, get your balance. If necessary, hold on to something until you feel steady, and then start forward motion.
- Consider physical therapy programs. You can learn exercises to help maintain balance and movement.
- Find a community support group. You can share success strategies with others diagnosed with PD.
- Recognize that at some point a piece of mobility equipment may be necessary to help keep you safe. With all the choices on the market, you can find something that fits your lifestyle.
- Arrange furniture to create a clear walking path. You can place furniture in strategic places to provide a place to hold onto if you lose your balance.
- Remove throw rugs and narrow carpet runners. These can create an edge that may cause you to trip or catch your foot.
- Pay attention to your footwear. Socks may be too slippery but heavy soles may catch or make it harder to lift your foot. See a specialist to get the right pair of shoes.
- Have grab bars or secure rails placed in strategic places. These allow for increased balance and something to safely grab for support. Use a professional to properly install them.
- Make sure you have adequate lighting, especially at night.
- Keep the products you use on a routine basis between eye and waist level. You don’t want to have to bend down or reach up to get an item. There is no need to create unnecessary risk.
- Place reflective tape on steps. This helps with depth perception.
- Consider an emergency alert button. If you do have a fall, these aids provide you with a way to call for help. Do not assume you can get to a phone.
The symptoms that can impact your gait can progress over time. Be in tune with changes that you experience and put safety measures in place before you need them. Create a safety net in your environment to enable you to remain as independent as possible.
If you are in need of specific recommendations for your home, find a certified aging-in-place specialist, Parkinson’s specialty clinic or Aging Life Care™ Manager who can help you assess your home environment and provide you with additional feedback and resources.