OutreachNC asked school-aged children and adults 50 and over the same question to find out their thoughts about life and getting older.
Here are their responses:
What does it mean to be young at heart?
School-Aged Children
“You’re young and your heart is beating fast.”
– Yarden, 6, Sandhills Theatre Arts Renaissance School (STARS)
“Outside you’re really old, but inside you’re really young.” – Jack, 10, STARS
“You’re young and you take care of people.” – Xavion, 6, STARS
“You love being young.” – Oriah, 7, STARS
“Be a little kid.” – Danova, 6, STARS
“You don’t have very much heart. Your brain is really young, and you aren’t very many old.” – Gavin, 6, STARS
Adults 50+
“Young at heart means optimism – always thinking of what you CAN do rather than what you can no longer do. Keeping a positive focus on life no matter what the challenge. Faith plays a large role.” – John, 71
“A young spirit.” – Barbara, 58
“It’s a state of mind.” – Nancy, 53
“Not acting as old as this body feels.” – Joyce, 91
“Doing young stuff and being adventurous.” – Armand, 50
“Being able to keep up with my grandchildren.” – Jean, 81
“To smile.” –Bob, 50
“It’s being younger than your age.” – Jean, 80